René Haakman                        
Riversites in love (115 x100 cm)
Riversites in love (115 x100 cm)
Deva and faun 50x40 cm)
Deva and faun 50x40 cm)
Campfire and elementals (80x 60cm)
Campfire and elementals (80x 60cm)
Dryads (100 x80 cm)
Dryads (100 x80 cm)
Hill enjoying the fragrance of a flower (100 x80 cm)
Hill enjoying the fragrance of a flower (100 x80 cm)
Midsummernight (80 x60 cm)
Midsummernight (80 x60 cm)
Fairies in togetherness (80 x 60 cm)
Fairies in togetherness (80 x 60 cm)
Speech of a fairy Queen (100x80 cm)
Speech of a fairy Queen (100x80 cm)
Tree creatures (60 x 80 cm)
Tree creatures (60 x 80 cm)

1. Riversites in love (115 x 100 cm)  2. Deva and faun 50 x 40 cm) 3. Campfire and elementals (80 x 60 cm)

4. Midsummernight (80 x 60 cm) 5. Hill enjoying the fragrance of a flower (100 x 80 cm)  6. Dryads (100 x 80 cm)

7. Speech of a fairy Queen (100 x 80 cm)  8. Tree creatures (60 x 80 cm)   9. Fairies in togetherness (80 x 60 cm)

Fairies at night (40 x 30 cm)
Fairies at night (40 x 30 cm)
Travelling fairies (100x80 cm)
Travelling fairies (100x80 cm)
Witch and fairies (30 x 20 cm)
Witch and fairies (30 x 20 cm)
Dancing little lights (100 x 80 cm)
Dancing little lights (100 x 80 cm)
Trees and Dryads (40 x 30 cm)
Trees and Dryads (40 x 30 cm)
Fairy feast (60 x50 cm)
Fairy feast (60 x50 cm)

1. Fairies at night (40 x 30 cm) 2. Travelling fairies ( 100 x 80 cm) 3. Witch and fairies (30 x 20 cm)

5. Trees and Dryads (40 x 30 cm)   5. Fairy feast (60 x 50 cm) 6. Dancing little lights (100 x 80 cm)